Almanac 2024

Antariksh: Astronomy Club of Vishwakarma Institutes


Cosmic January

From greeting the year with a launch to sending January off with beautiful celestial showers and passes, this month truly was a cosmic beginning of 2024. New year came with new promises and determination to explore, observe and understand the night sky. January was an amazing start indeed!

Fascinating Febraury

February 2024 was a month of launches! It began with roaring rocket ignitions, marking humanity's relentless pursuit of the unknown, and concluded with the spark of scientific curiosity ignited in young minds. While these launches paved way for understanding the unknown, IUCAA (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics) played significant role by fostering awareness and deepening our understanding of the known universe!

Majestic March

March 2024 witnessed many space and astronomical events. ISRO's RLV Landing Experiment proved reusable technology by landing autonomously with Pushpak. SpaceX Crew-8 carried humans to the ISS. The KAIROS rocket caught ablaze just above Japan. Russia's Soyuz 2.1a launched many satellites successfully; there was a transition season on the March Equinox.

Adventurous April

April 2024 was a month of cosmic milestones! NASA's APEP mission took to the skies, advancing our understanding of high-energy astrophysics. Rocket Lab's Electron launch demonstrated the rising efficiency of small satellite missions. The breathtaking Lyrid meteor shower illuminated the heavens, inspiring stargazers worldwide. Meanwhile, the establishment of the world's highest observatory pushed humanity's frontiers of exploration further, blending science with awe.

Magnificent May

May 2024 was a month of astronomical breakthroughs! The Chang'e 6 mission set out on its way to unlock the secrets of the moon, and the discovery of an Earth-sized exoplanet ignited dreams about finding another habitable world. Adding to the celestial drama, a powerful solar superstorm forced the 'largest mass migration' of satellites to safer orbits, underlining humanity's growing interdependence with space.

Solaris June

June started with the Sun's AR3664 sunspot unleashing two powerful X-class flares, causing radio blackouts on Earth. A celestial "Parade of Planets" on June 3 saw six planets align in a mesmerizing pre-dawn display. The June Solstice on June 21 marked the year's longest day, celebrating Earth's cosmic rhythms. India capped the month with Pushpak's successful autonomous landing on June 23, advancing reusable space technology.

Jovial July

July saw Europe's Ariane 6 rocket finally make its long-awaited appearance, further advancing space exploration. The Southern δ-Aquariid meteor shower lit up night skies, fascinating stargazers around the globe. Meanwhile, the Hubble Space Telescope caught a stunning shot of a galaxy spiraling away, reminding everyone of the boundless beauty in the cosmos.

Ambitious August

August 2024 was a historic month for space exploration. Virgin Galactic completed its first space tourist flight, the Maiden National Space Day celebrated cosmic achievements, and simulations unveiled groundbreaking insights into black hole accretion disk turbulence dynamics.

Serene September

September embraced many technical events in 2024. Vision is the right word to describe this month, and India, along with other countries, is working towards achieving new goals, missions, and records in the coming years. September of ‘24 promised and prepared us to witness new discoveries and missions in the near future with new and challenging opportunities in astronomy.

Orbital October

October 2024 was a cosmic wonder. The Draconids and Orionids Meteor Showers beautified the sky with brilliance. ESA's Hera Mission advanced asteroid exploration, while NASA's Europa Clipper sailed towards Jupiter's mysterious ocean moon.

Nostalgic November

November 2024 was a month of stellar achievements. SpaceX CRS-31 delivered crucial supplies to the ISS, the Taurids and Leonids Meteor Showers peaked with dazzling displays, and India launched the advanced GSAT-20 Satellite.

Discovering December

December 2024 closed the year with cosmic breakthroughs. SpaceX launched an advanced GPS satellite for the US Space Force, China initiated its satellite constellation, NASA’s Solar Probe achieved its closest fly-by, and binary stars at the Milky Way's center captivated astronomers.